Thursday, July 11, 2013

Freedom Run and My Aching Back

First, the Freedom Run this year was so much fun!  I think mostly because I actually felt good about my  performance.  I only did the 5k this year since my knee has been giving me problems for so long, and I want to save it for my first Tri in August.  I was feeling really good until that magical mile number two, and you guessed it - my knee started hurting.  This time was different though, it was actually manageable, and I just slowed down and was able to finish the race, and even sprint past a handful of people at the end.  I was so grateful that it hung in there.  Good job knee!

It felt so good to actually be competitive again, and not just with other people but with myself.
When I crossed the finish line the clock said that I was about 20 seconds past my PR, and I was very ok with that considering I had done no running since UVM.  I knew that it had taken me a while to get over the start line, so I was hoping that maybe I had tied my PR, but when the results came in they showed that I actually beat my 5k PR by 53 seconds!  I was thrilled!

So all in all, freedom run felt great!

and the second part of my blog today...My Aching Back

Ok,ok, I think I am getting the hint that maybe I am training too hard.  First my knee, then my lower back was giving me some moderate issues for a day or two, and now my upper back/rib.  I did my regular Wednesday workout yesterday, and was feeling pretty good.  I took my niece to the pool for like an hour and just goofed around a bit.  When I went to bed I noticed that my back was hurting slightly, but I fell asleep thinking that it would feel better in the morning.  I woke up at 1:30 am in intense pain.  I felt a sharp, stabbing pain every time I took a breath.  I soaked in the tub for about an hour, and then figured out how to prop myself on the coach so that it didn't hurt as much.  I finally fell back asleep around 4. Erg!

I'm feeling a bit better today, but I had to call into work, which I was not happy about.  We kinda need that money right now.  Anyway, I do strength training 2-3 times a week, always with back exercises incorporated, so I'm not sure why all the back issues.  Maybe I am just getting old.  :(

Anyway, I think I may need to add another rest or easy day on Wednesday or something.  I'm just to the point where I can't stand holding still.  I've only been awake again for 2 hours, and I'm already going a little nutz just sitting here on my coach...  Uh, truthfully grateful for trials that help me stay grounded, and that help me grow.

- Happy...resting!  (Which I have learned is important too. :)

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